
How to Brand Yourself Through Personal Style

How to Brand Yourself Through Personal Style

how to brand yourself

Do you consider what you wear a part of your brand? You should. What you choose to wear sets the tone in any situation, conveying a message before you even speak. But do you know what you want that message to be? With outdated rules and bad information floating around, it’s no wonder people feel confused about how to represent themselves.

How to Dress to Make a Statement

I say it all the time, “ We eat with our eyes first.” Let’s decide what statement you want to make so that everyone knows when you walk through the door. I understand that appropriateness matters. I respect it. Within that, there are boundless possibilities. 

The Rules Don’t Always Apply

One example is the rules we place on daytime TV guests and hosts. When prepping women for an appearance I receive a list of rules from the network that read something like this: 

  • Primary colors only
  • No black or white
  • No patterns
  • Fitted outfits preferred
  • Dresses are encouraged

It seems that the networks would prefer all women on daytime TV to look the same. This also feels like they are talking down to the audience. Not me! I dressed a guest for an appearance once in tuxedo pants and a black blazer with a gorgeous white YSL blouse. No one complained. She was a hit. She was invited back.

How to Brand Yourself Through Style

I work with clients from a range of professions, always considering the culture of their workplace. If a suit is required, we still make a statement with a sharp fit, unique shirts, bold ties, and distinctive shoes. The past few years have significantly changed workplace dress codes, leaving many people uncertain about what to wear when rules are relaxed. This evolution offers a perfect opportunity to brand yourself in a way that feels authentic to you.

Develop Your Personal Style

If you own your own business or run your company, YOU SET THE TONE! Do not lock yourself into old ways of thinking. If you speak publicly or are an influencer, the tone can be soft and feminine, a little sexy, edgy, rocker chic, suits with an edge, etc. I love playing with the possibilities. Are you a performer? We get to have even more fun. Are you a full-time mom or dad? (The hardest work there is, trust me!) You do not need to show up to school in Lululemon every day. We can make you the coolest parent at pick-up.

How to Dress for Success

I absolutely love to break down the walls that society and you have placed around yourself. I will help you create a look that brands you perfectly. You deserve nothing less.
Your style should be as unique and dynamic as you are. Whether you’re redefining your personal brand, preparing for a big appearance, or simply looking to elevate your everyday wardrobe, explore our services to make a lasting impression.